18th January, 2025
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About Me

Having worked in an office for over 20 years, I have experienced first-hand the toll that a desk-based job takes on the body, suffering from neck, shoulder and upper back pain on a regular basis. In 2003 I started attending Pilates classes which transformed my life. I started practicing the techniques I’d learnt in my weekly Pilates classes on a daily basis in order to manage my back problems.

It was after I had my first daughter that I decided I couldn’t continue living in the rat race any longer and needed a better work/life balance; working at a desk and sitting in meetings all day was playing havoc with my back, my posture and my general wellbeing and I barely saw my daughter. Having toyed with the idea of teaching Pilates for several years, I took the plunge and in 2016, whilst 36 weeks pregnant (and in agony with SPD!), took my two anatomy and physiology exams back-to-back and my journey to become a Pilates instructor began!

In 2020, following the stress of the Covid-19 lockdown, I was diagnosed with Lupus and fibromyalgia which caused debilitating joint pain. It has been through diet, supplementation and Pilates that I have been able to manage these conditions. Having suffered terribly with my own body, it has become a priority for me to be able to help others and as such decided to specialise in peri-natal and rehabilitative care.

My classes are mixed ability so accessible to all, albeit you need to be able to get on the floor and back up for the mat based ones. If that isn’t possible I also offer supported chair Pilates. The only real requirements to attend my classes are to have a sense of humour and an open mind!